This is the Message Centre for jane c


Post 1


Hi jane, hope you check your space - realised my reply to your query would make no sense if you were trying to use emoticons on the main BBC message boards (like MC). If you want to use them on there, click on the 'add Smileys to message' box on the right of your message box and you should be away. Good luck!


Post 2

jane c

Thanks, Penny!! smiley - smiley


Post 3


Jane have you set your Preferences for something other than Brunel? The emoticons option doesn't appear if you've set alabaster, for example


Post 4

jane c


Penny, I hadn't a clue about things like "setting preferences" THANKS!!

i AM NOW in Brunel - whatever that means - and I can see all kinds of smiley wotsits grinning at me temptingly. So here goes........

smiley - bubblysmiley - smoochsmiley - winkeyesmiley - magic


Post 5


Yippee! You go girl. Only trouble is: I've set my preferences for alabaster and don't seem to be able to change back!

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