A Conversation for Leanne's Party


Post 1



*picks up a donut and tries it* smiley - donut

MMMMM! Great!
Gives Leanne her pressie smiley - gift
Any games?


Post 2

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - blush aww you shouldnt have

Plenty of food and drink help yourself smiley - smiley

Games well what would you like to do? N7 had an interesting drinking game but Ill leave the games up to you smiley - smiley


Post 3


Thanks smiley - biggrin


Post 4

You can call me TC

I am feeling
a. randy
b. hungry

Where are the men? Where are the pizzas?

MUSIC! - Let's have some life here. *rummages in pile of CD's*


Post 5

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - smiley well theres the food just waiting on the men to turn up smiley - winkeye

What music do you like? Ive got a bit of everything in there


Post 6

You can call me TC

Anything with plenty of oommph for starters - that goes for men and booze too.


Post 7

You can call me TC

This post has been removed.


Post 8

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

So you get to meet everyone Ive set up a conversation forum for everyone to post to instead of separate ones like this ok smiley - smiley

Enjoy the party smiley - ale


Post 9

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hello everyone! smiley - ale


Post 10


you're all mad. But mads good.


Post 11


* picks up a , has a sip, and immediatly spits it out*
I don't enjoy beer.
smiley - biggrin?


Post 12

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - smiley Hey Webbo smiley - hug thanks for coming

Help yourself to food and drink

*looks at food table* heres me telling everyone to help themselves and Im starving smiley - sadface Im at the food table if anyone wants me smiley - biggrin


Post 13

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Good plan! smiley - burgersmiley - hotdogsmiley - bigeyes


Post 14

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Hello Justin smiley - smiley come to going me for a smiley - burger

How about an smiley - ale to wash it down with smiley - smiley


Post 15

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Am I just tired, or did that first sentence not make much sense? Or is it one of those puzzles where you have to put the words in the right order?
Anyway, the smiley - ale is certainly a good idea! Cheers! smiley - smiley


Post 16

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - biggrin opps Ignore me smiley - drunk

It was suppose to say "coming to join me for a smiley - burger" DUH!!!


Post 17

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Well, in that case, yes. I'm feeling a little peckish at the mo...


Post 18

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

lol smiley - biggrin


Post 19


*saunters over to the table and takes a quick survey*
I don't like smiley - burger, so I'll go for a smiley - hotdog and a
Laden with these new possesions, I go and........You know the drill smiley - biggrin


Post 20


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