This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Mathematical Institute (Joe and MeAndyG)

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 1



I'm studying Mathematics and Physics at college level, and I'm making a project about Number Theory and their use in Cryptography.

If any of you got any expertice in this subject I would be happy to hear from you (here or by mail: [email protected])

I would might consider translating it to english and ad it to
(so I've been planing it to contain all the math behind RSA, but it isn't final)

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 2

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Would you consider joining the Institute?

We are always eager to get help with our current projects and have further projects added to the arc. There are a couple of long term ideas I have for the arc (especially the Great Mathematician arc) which may interest you. I would be happy to spawn a cryptography arc too. A word of advice though, try and split your project up into several smaller projects that follow logically. It makes things easier to digest. smiley - winkeye

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 3


Thank you I would like to join the MI, but the project I'm talking about is a school project. What I'm really seeking right now is one to help me make the project (not write it, but answer questions etc.).

If any of you should have a mind that contains a good amount of number theory and chryptography, then I would like to get in contact with you.

Thomas Gerken
[email protected]
UIN# 8964389

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 4


Hi there clone I want to help you but you know I really cant he he hesmiley - smiley

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 5


Hi there clone I want to help you but you know I really cant he he hesmiley - smiley

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 6


Hi clone I really want help you but you know I really cant he he hesmiley - smiley

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 7


Testing...... I posted a message but I cant see it on the screensmiley - smiley

Number theory and Cryptography help for a project

Post 8


He he, Kai we see the text plenty.....

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