This is the Message Centre for Agent Sizzle

bonker set-up

Post 1


Hi ASsmiley - smooch

better be careful AS

this looks like a stalkers paradise!


bonker set-up

Post 2

Agent Sizzle

Hi Andy

Have you done your space too?
It's a bit weird, replying on my own space, but as I said on the main area, I think this is what will happen - people will set up discussions on their area and others can join in.
I dunno. It's all a bit much at the moment.
smiley - hug

bonker set-up

Post 3


yes send me a message to see if i did it right please.

it looks like some posters got together on here before mounting attacks on the R2 board

this is good if you think you can trust the people you meet on here!

Hmmmm! dodgy


bonker set-up

Post 4

Agent Sizzle

I know, I'm not sure about giving email details and so on. As far as I can tell, anyone can look through these messages without even being a member.

But fair's fair - it's still a week before the R2 closes. So maybe it'll be clear(er) by then.

Where did you disappear to all that time? Just curious.

bonker set-up

Post 5


Had a bit of trouble at home.

my on/off relationship is off! again!smiley - wah

Andysmiley - biggrin

bonker set-up

Post 6

Agent Sizzle

Blimey, make your mind up - is it smiley - wah or smiley - smiley ???

But in any case, I'm sorry to hear that - I seem to recall you said you were married. Hope it all works out whatever way is best for you.

smiley - hug

Oh, and a smiley - devil too!

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