This is the Message Centre for Biohazard

Greetings Biohazard...

Post 1

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Welcome to h2g2!smiley - tongueout
I noticed you were new here, and I remember how bewildering this site was to me! Now I've been here a while, I like to meet & greet newcomers!smiley - ok If you have any questions about the site, please don't hesitate to ask. Just hit the reply button and I'll return!smiley - hug
Hope to see you around!smiley - flyhi
~Seven of Nine~

Greetings Biohazard...

Post 2



I didn't even notice your message was posted until now! My first question would be.... How do you make those smiley faces with wings and giving a thumbs up?!!!!!

sincerely from Biohazard, asking the important questions
smiley - smiley

Greetings Biohazard...

Post 3

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

The smiley page is here: or just click on a smiley!
The winged one is: < flyhi > {without the spaces}
and the thumbs-up one is: < ok > {without the spaces}
Are you enjoying your time on h2g2?smiley - biggrin
~Seven of Nine~smiley - flyhi

Greetings Biohazard...

Post 4


yeah, I'm really enjoying my time here - there is literally an entry on everything, and if there isn't you can write one yourself! It's just like it was supposed to be in the book of hitchhikers guide...
I looked at your page - you seem to be very into poetry! that's cool...

ah!!! my bacon is burning!

Greetings Biohazard...

Post 5

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

into poetry?
Not really!
I just made that up...
Gee, I hope your bacon is OK!
Or edible at least.
Have you thought of anything to write about, yet?
~Seven of Nine~

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