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Cadi Merchionamercheluned Started conversation Nov 13, 2001
I like reading, esp. fantasy. I am also a Potter fan, a student, and an inveterate waffler. Having said that I can think of nothing more to say. Not even waffle. Incidentally, is there a connection between batter fried on a griddle, and people who go on and on and on about nothing much? Of course, it could be potatoes fried on a griddle. Or cooked. Or whatever.
What do you like to be called?
PS. Absence of smileys due to lack of skills on computer, not lack of friendliness. I send you a mental smile.
Gullibility Personified Posted Nov 18, 2001
*Rather pleased that somebody else has not that great computer skills*
Would you like to help me with my GuideML for Dummies entry? I'm working on it right now.
Oh, and hello. Thanks for dropping in. Have some . You're welcome to stay
. Are you a newbie? I haven't seen you before.
Maybe wafflers used to eat a lot of batter fried on a griddle.
Cadi Merchionamercheluned Posted Nov 20, 2001
I can't really help - but I know someone who can. Read "An Engineer writes..." on my space (it's a "Discuss this entry" thingy) That's full of really good advice.
Gullibility Personified Posted Nov 26, 2001
I will.
How is life frolicking along in your part of the woods?
Cadi Merchionamercheluned Posted Nov 26, 2001
I think "limping" may be a more appropriate adjective - I've had a rotten month, am up to my ears in work, and I'm moaning to anyone who'll listen. Still, a month ago everything was fine, so I'm sure everything will be fine again soon.
I'm an optimist (at the moment). Usually, when people say "How are you?" I want to do a Marvin and tell them that I think they ought to know I'm feeling very depressed. But I don't. Partly because most of my friends wouldn't get it, and partly because I'm not that depressed. Not really. Well, not much.
Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady Posted Nov 30, 2001
Oh you poor thing... Smileys can be done in several ways. The normal
: ) works just fine, but you can also do them with stuff like this < bluebutterfly >
but remove the spaces. A complete list of smileys can be found by clicking on a smiley. There are 139.
Cadi Merchionamercheluned Posted Nov 30, 2001
Thanks for the ! I'm feeling better now, partly because I've handed in lots of my work, and I don't have to worry about it any more, but mostly because I'M GOING HOME IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!
There are a lot of s aren't there? Everything from
, and
I like the . I wonder what an engineer smiley would look like?
Anyway, got to go . Thanks again,
Gullibility Personified Posted Dec 1, 2001
*clicks fingers* Nightshade...I know who YOU are...nice to see you here.
Well done Cadi, Thou hast mastered the smileys!
I must go
Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady Posted Dec 10, 2001
Hello! Yes, I think I am who you think I am. Been to see the movie yet? Anna and I went to see it, and Niwt was supposed to come, but she didn't. Shame-we were about the fifth group in the line, having waited in shifts for 40 minutes. I thought the special effects were really good but in terms of the story they may find it hard to continue when they get to the 8th book if it gets as long. I think they would have done better splitting it into two movies and putting in more of the book.
Films from books
Cadi Merchionamercheluned Posted Jan 7, 2002
I agree that they cut too much out. It was OK, but I think they over-did the ending. But I won't say anymore, in case I give something away for people who haven't seen it yet.
I did think that the actors looked right - even the minor characters like Madam Hooch, and Oliver Wood. On the whole I'd say that I enjoyed it, but I probably wouldn't go to see it again.
Films from books
Gullibility Personified Posted Jan 9, 2002
hmm. I thought Ron was good, but the rest...I dunno, I was probably expecting too much. Have you seen LOTR? I haven't yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Films from books
Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady Posted Jan 15, 2002
Seen it, loved it. I think it was the premiere in my town... 9.30 on Boxing Day. They got almost everything right, although Arwen is there in the place of Glorfindel and they've cut out Bombadil, for anyone who's read the books. When they first said they were going to change the relationship between Arwen and Aragorn I was very suspicious but they handled it really well. I haven't seen anything of the second or third movies in the sequence though, not even a picture.
Films from books
Gullibility Personified Posted Jan 16, 2002
*your* town, NIghtshade? I see a tussle over ownership rights!
I want to see LOTR
Have you seen The Othere/The Closet/Vanilla Sky/Amelie/Serendipity?
If you have, what did you think of them?
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Cadi Merchionamercheluned (Nov 13, 2001)
- 2: Gullibility Personified (Nov 18, 2001)
- 3: Cadi Merchionamercheluned (Nov 20, 2001)
- 4: Gullibility Personified (Nov 26, 2001)
- 5: Cadi Merchionamercheluned (Nov 26, 2001)
- 6: Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady (Nov 30, 2001)
- 7: Cadi Merchionamercheluned (Nov 30, 2001)
- 8: Gullibility Personified (Dec 1, 2001)
- 9: Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady (Dec 10, 2001)
- 10: Gullibility Personified (Dec 24, 2001)
- 11: Gullibility Personified (Dec 24, 2001)
- 12: Cadi Merchionamercheluned (Jan 7, 2002)
- 13: Gullibility Personified (Jan 9, 2002)
- 14: Nightshade, Guardian Angel and Grey Lady (Jan 15, 2002)
- 15: Gullibility Personified (Jan 16, 2002)
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