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Hi Katsy

Post 21

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Ah lucky!!!! Maz is thinking about going to a wl concert if Skandal are going, which means I have to pay twice, which isnt too good cos I can barely afford it, and I want to buy a camera and a new mobile! LOL, I'll never save up for anything!

I'll let ya know more about my b-day party soon my mum is driving me mad about it cos the slightest thing I do she doesnt like she uses it to try and stop my party, which is really annoying! (ie coming on here to check my e-mail for a few mins around 11pm).

I was back at school since last Wednesday, and that's bad! The only good thing is all those projects I was fretting about have had their deadlines extended! Lucky me!! LOL

Hi Katsy

Post 22


mazza is thinking about going to a wl concert cool, thats is a bit bad about paying twice.
thats ok about party thing u will have to tell me more when it gets near ok?
back on wed ahh lots of homework then?
we will have to met each other again sometime, i want to get a pix of alot of skandal fans together so i can send it to them so they know how many fans they have around uk,we may have to go to london for that
well got to go now
Hope to hear from u soon
Have you got your pixs back from wembley

Hi Katsy

Post 23

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I didnt take any pics at Wembley, Maz did but I dont think she got them through yet

It would be cool to go to London cos I know parts of it quite well, and I'm good at getting around on the underground cos my brother has given me a long lecture on how to get around on the underground, and it basically says AVOID at rush hour times!

Well we hardly get back and we are bombarded with TESTS!!!!! I've got maths tomorrow, a geography one on Tuesday and a chemistry one on Friday (LOL on the last chemistry test we had Maz wrote at the top next to the teacher's name "the mean Skandal hater!!!" and he didnt notice it!!!!!! It was soooo funny that lesson cos the teacher came up to us and said "Marrianne, I'm not happy with you. I'm going to give you a piece of my mind" and he slammed this section of a model brain in front of her!!!! It was hillarious!!!!!!

I've still got some projects to do, but I dunno when I'm gonna get them done! I'll text ya about the party cos my mum is still debating about it

Hi Katsy

Post 24


OK i thought u took pixs at wembley.
yeah london would be good, i do not know when i could go but i hope so i can.
yeah we have had test too which is not fair,travel and tourism and general studies
well got to go now
Hope to hear from u soon

Hi Katsy

Post 25

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

It would probably have to be in half term or something, at the mo I'm too busy. Yay my birthday next week! Brooksie's got his show on during the party so I told him we're gonna phone him up during it! Cool huh? He played Champagne Highway tonight!!!!!! Maz phoned me up in hyper mood!!! Then I phoned him up 2 mins later saying he was telepathic cos I was just gonna request it, so we had a whole long chat about telepathy!!!

I shall text you over the weekend about final things on my party smiley - smiley

Hi Katsy

Post 26


cool about chris i think it will be really good.
Well i think london will have to be in the half tearm holis as i an not go yet.
i have my driving test soon which i can not wait for, i will be able to drive around to see the lads and go past the house in my own car then my mums so they will not know it is us
well got to go now
hope to hear from u soon
see ya

Hi Katsy

Post 27

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

YAY IT'S ONLY 3 DAYS AWAY!!! Looking forward to seeing ya on Saturday, and you're helping me right? smiley - winkeye Ally might be turning up early as well, but after you.
See ya Saturday!!!!!!

Hi Katsy

Post 28


yep i am helping,can not wait .
cool about Beach Bash i can not wait for that

Hi Katsy

Post 29

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hiya!!!!! Oooh Saturday's not far away! I went down Southend high street today and got a few CDs, including LeAnn Rimes, Spooks and Ally got me my prezzie of Bryan Adams "The Best Of Me" album which is wicked!!!! I also got some hair highlights, 3 of them! Yellow, red and orange!!! When I put them on it makes me look like someone splattered paint in my hair! Ah well, gotta go, see ya Saturday!

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