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a girl i like
krn Started conversation Nov 19, 2000
i searched for her through the whole stadium of 14 thousand people,
i looked for at least an hour,
and when i finally decided it was hopeless,
i walked in2 the toilets and did what i had 2 do.
i thought i would just go back to my seat & forget hr,
when there she was standing right outside.
i walkd right up 2 hr & said hr name out loud.
(she ignored me as always)
5 minutes later she said: 'yeah, What?'
i handed her the letter i was holding in my hands and sed:
'i wrote u this poem last night'
she said 'oh, ok' (but it sounded like 'oh, is that all?')
she rushed off in2 the crowd & i thought: 'great!'
Konnman Posted Apr 20, 2001
You, if you'll recall, told of the name Jehovah in a conversation some time ago. What religion are you?
A friend,
krn Posted Apr 23, 2001
i'll let you take a wild guess,
in fact i'll give you one guess.
and with regard to that entry, it was not quoted from any other document but it was in my own words.
Insight Posted May 23, 2002
I've had an similar experience, but the one I was looking for wasn't there. She had stopped coming due to getting a worldly boyfriend, probably brought on by her parents splitting up. After about 6 months shes coming to meetings regularly again, but doesn't make much progress at the moment. I keep trying to help her but she doesn't seem to want it.
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a girl i like
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