This is the Message Centre for befan-ee

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 1


befan-ee! i had some chai tea! when i was at work-ee. now i'm a little bit drunk-ee!.

smiley - tea

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 2


i want your life

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 3


it is mine, and full of free chicken pizza (which i invented)

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 4


*steals his life while he's not looking*...*scoffs down the chicken pizza while she's at it*

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 5


give me back my life, sneak-ee bethan-ee

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 6


you must give me something in return

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 7


what would you like..?

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 8


nothing naughty until sunday

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 9


sunday it is

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 10


you are too bad. . .
and i love it!

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 11


i want cake

smiley - cake

and i want tea

smiley - tea

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 12


i want some of your cake and some of your tea...

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 13


what shall i get in return from befan-ee?

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 14


philless love

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 15


you can have some cake and tea

smiley - cakesmiley - tea

i wonder if it will work this time

Post 16


*gobbles it up*

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