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Random Notes about my life

Post 1

White Crow Draco

Wow. This'll be my first entry on h2g2, and in all honesty, I'm still not sure exactly why I'm here. I just know that Dolphinnius sent me, blathering about something along the lines of it'll be a good place to vent. I probably'll end up not forgiving him for it, either. And yes, I know that's horribile use of grammer. That's also my only forte, so neyah.

Well, I suppose I should ramble a little here. (Not that anyone is reading) My name is Tracy Lee (and I'm a guy... egads, do I hate my name), I'm at the age where car crashes run rampent, and that's why I'm terrified of even stepping behind a wheel. I could be the only teenager who has to be forced to drive by his parents. I'm somewhat of a fantasy writer, but I doubt I get published. Lesse... I'm also in a band with that scary Dolphinnius fellow mentioned above (look for him on h2g2, he's scarier online then he is in real life... no, no. He really is that scary.) I AM a christian, but you probably wouldn't guess by my attitude nor typeing. (And really, what's with all those people upset about C.S. Lewis? If that great man is evil, then Ralph Nader is leading the Fourth Reich.) It's just one of those things that don't translate well when I type, because of my aforementioned love of fantasy, and lack of optimisim. (which, surprsingly, has increased over the years)

One of my favorite things about this big ol' sphere we call earth is it's nature. Calling me a tree hugger would be a little inaccurate, but anything living-hugger is pretty accurate. smiley - winkeye I particluarlly like our scaley and feathered friends running rampaent in the groves and medows. ESPICALLY crows. That's another strange thing about me that you just have to understand, because I dunno why I like em' so much myself. Thier just adorable. I suppose the contrasting moods in this paragraph is throwing off anyone that read the above one, so I'll move on before someone convulses.

Ah, yes, music. The band I mentioned above is really fun, and anyone who likes Pain (no, not THAT kind of pain) and They Might Be Giants will love our group. Err, well, hopefully you will. Right now we sorta have a band in theory that hasen't done a whole lot. Though I technically don't *do* anything in the band (Possibily because my love for Crows has directly affected my voice to where I sound like one), I think it'd be nice to advertise a little, none the less. Nyeah, Michael and Jacob!

My personality is a bit odd; I'll seem emotionless to most people, and I'll usually be the first person to cry during the sad part in a movie or if I see someone/something hurt. It's hard to say anything else. To those of you who know me, already know it's hard to describe me. I'm just... me.

Well, this article was going to be a bit longer, but it seems now I have to go. My next article will actually have to do with something, I assure you. Now, please excuse me before my parents combust in anger.

Ja Ne!!
~Tracy, Keeper of Small Shiney Objects and Crow feathers

Random Notes about my life

Post 2

Lord Q'Daan

*tries to hurt the bird*
*convuses several times*
*particle man and the padres combust*
embrace insanity!

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