This is the Message Centre for Inkwash


Post 1

Jessi Q

Nice to know other people have had similar experiences...
"Hi I'm Jessi Q and I'm suffering BabbleFish withdrawal symtoms..."
Hello Jessi Q", I hear the support group say, "Nice to meet you I'm..." - You get the idea?
smiley - smileyJessi


Post 2


"Hello, I'm Inkwash, and I also am confused because of the babblefish..."
(Folds up back onto the chair)
smiley - smiley


Post 3

Jessi Q

smiley - fish
"It's OK Inkwash we're her to help you develop your writing skills..."
*takes notes while looking at you suspiciously*
"...Is there anything you want to get off your chest???"
Please continue role play
smiley - smileyJessi


Post 4


"Well..." he begins...
"What's the difference between the Babblesmiley - hsif and the Babelsmiley - fish?"


Post 5

Jessi Q

"One is a bit backwardsmiley - hsif...It'll only get you confused, that's the one that led you and me here..."
*Looks sharply around the room to see if thesmiley - hsif is there*
"...The other onesmiley - fish, will guide you in the right direction, I think he's the most intelligent as he can translate languages..."
smiley - smileyJessi


Post 6


"Good, that's what I thought"
(Jumps for joy as he is cured!)
smiley - smiley


Post 7

Jessi Q

" Now is there anything else that's troubling you?"
smiley - smileyJessi


Post 8


I think I'm fine now, thankyou. smiley - smiley
What about you?


Post 9

Jessi Q

OK.I'm glad I could help!
smiley - smiley Jessi

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