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The Black Mountains
Project Manager Extraordinaire Posted Jul 2, 1999
Why are the places we enjoy life so far from the places where we have to work?
I would happily spend my time in the mountains. Unfortunately the mortgage gets paid in the city ...
The Black Mountains
Researcher5 Posted Jul 2, 1999
Last summer I went to Cornwall for my summer holiday and drove back on a perfect summer evening towards home and work along the M4 due east with the sun, setting symbolically and very beautifully directly in my rear view mirror. I knew I was coming back to some tough issues at work and it was very hard to leave sea and cliffs and sandcastles behind.
All that said I love the Big City too and in a short while I'll leave the office and head through a busy and fun part of town, browse in a book shop and then...oh dear.. and then its the tube. Oh well!
The Black Mountains
26199 Posted Sep 14, 1999
Awww, wot a nice image .
I climbed Snowdon for the first time when I was about... ooh, ten. Some of the views are incredible...
However, I'd have to say that my version of perfection would include a super-light laptop computer to carry up the mountain with me .
The Black Mountains - and the people who climb them
Project Manager Extraordinaire Posted Sep 16, 1999
I guess that you are not so much a Road Warrior as a Mountain Piste Warrior? [Or the welsh equivalent??]
Why would you want to take a PC (portable or otherwise) up a mountain in the first place?
My modem cable is not particularly long and I have difficulty stretching it across the living room to plug into the phone jack.
Are you planning on reeling out miles of connection wire behind you as you climb (and reeling it in as you return)?
Do tell, it sounds different - even if it is no fun.
The Black Mountains - and the people who climb them
26199 Posted Sep 17, 1999
Hmmmm... because, I think, when I'm on top of a mountain I want to tell the word about it...
An extra long modem cable would do, but I'd much prefer one of those neat sattelite dish type things...
The Black Mountains - and the people who climb them
Nonametraveller Posted Apr 17, 2000
Hi Researcher 5,
although a while ago now it sounds as if you had a wonderful day.Was it the quality time you were having with your child or the oneness with nature that left you feeling as if you were in heaven on earth,a bit of both i guess.Maybe one day i will understand what it feels like to have those moments with little ones,munchkins as Monsey calls them(i learnt that this morning).I understand only too well though the feeling that nature can give you.Whenever possible i drive off into the bush,sometimes for four or more weeks at a time with nothing but a camera and notebook to accompany me.Within a few days i become totally acclimatised,my instincts and senses in general are greatly increased,leaving me with a real feeling of being in heaven on earth.All of lifes answers seem to be there,nothing is a problem and i seem to have all the time in the world.I am sure that this is the way it is all meant to be.I cannot help but think to myself that we as a race have missed the point somewhere along the line.
The Black Mountains - and the people who climb them
Researcher5 Posted Apr 17, 2000
Hi Nonametraveller
The Black Mountains are the place I go to get away from London. Climbing the Mountain with the children is a wonderful combination of good time spent with them and time spent outside. Views from the Mountain are often spectacular.
I just dont get away there often enough.
From the sound of the way you spend your time, we can look forward to some splendid entries from you about the bush.
I'm glad you've found h2g2.
The Black Mountains - and the people who climb them
Nonametraveller Posted Apr 18, 2000
Hello R5,
Thank you kindly for your warmth,i too am glad that i have found H2g2,Do you think that my experiences and thoughts about the bush will be of interest,i was wondering if perhaps they may be too serious for the guide as opposed to frivolous.I have been whizzing around here trying to get a handle on how the place operates before i try and write anything of consequence(also i am probably a bit shy as i have never really shared any of my words with anyone before which leaves me feeling nervous...if i am really
I can understand you enjoying the mountains of Wales so much as a break from Living in LOndon.I grew up there,and although i love to visit and in my heart will always remain a Londoner i think i would struggle a little if i tried living there again,The greyness and lack of apace would kill me.Having said that ,there is little i like more than to stroll around places like covent garden on a summers evening.
Anyway i have to be off to a meeting in Pretoria this morning.Thanks again for the welcome.Speak to you soon.
Sunny smiles
The Black Mountains - and the people who climb them
Researcher5 Posted Apr 18, 2000
I'm sure you'll find on your forays into the site that there is plenty of "serious" material here too, so guide entries on flora and fauna in the bush, on special places to visit, would be most welcome.
The Black Mountains - and the people who climb them
Nonametraveller Posted Apr 18, 2000
OK,i will try and get down to it in the coming weeks,Thanks for the encouragement.
Love Noname
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Researcher5 (May 4, 1999)
- 2: Project Manager Extraordinaire (Jul 2, 1999)
- 3: Researcher5 (Jul 2, 1999)
- 4: 26199 (Sep 14, 1999)
- 5: Project Manager Extraordinaire (Sep 16, 1999)
- 6: 26199 (Sep 17, 1999)
- 7: Nonametraveller (Apr 17, 2000)
- 8: Researcher5 (Apr 17, 2000)
- 9: Nonametraveller (Apr 18, 2000)
- 10: Researcher5 (Apr 18, 2000)
- 11: Nonametraveller (Apr 18, 2000)
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