This is the Message Centre for SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

Fleet Command

Post 1

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Make a page dedicated to your task force and I'll link it to my page! Welcome to the Fleet, Admiral

Fleet Command

Post 2

SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

I will arrive at Alpha Base as soon as possible. Look for the Pursuer-class ship. I will also tell my command ship, Nebulon-B Frigate Chaos to hyperspace to Alpha Base as well.

Fleet Command

Post 3

SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

I will arrive at Alpha Base as soon as possible. Look for the Pursuer-class ship. I will also tell my command ship, Nebulon-B Frigate Pandemonium to hyperspace to Alpha Base as well.

Fleet Command

Post 4

SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

I will arrive at Alpha Base as soon as possible. Look for the Pursuer-class ship. I will also tell my command ship, Nebulon-B Frigate Pandemonium to hyperspace to Alpha Base as well.

Fleet Command

Post 5

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

excellent se you there

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