This is the Message Centre for SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

Darth Maul

Post 1

SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

Chew on this:
You know, when I was watching Episode 1, I realized that Darth Maul is not the bad guy, he is just a misunderstood litte man. You see, he knows that Darth Sidious could kick the crap out of him, so he did everything that he told him to. And when he sent those little robots around, he didnt go peeping around for naked women or anything like that, he just wanted to see what the so called "heros" did.

And by the way, his facial tattoos are not a way to intimidate an adversary, but a way to express his motivation to become a free, uhhh, whatever he is. You see, the smaller portion of black on his face represents the servitude towards Darth Sidious, while the red represents the freedom and liberty that he is gaining by the moment.

Oh yeah, to all those Obi-Wan fans, ANGER IS NOT A JEDI THING, and Obi-Wan struck down Darth Maul in anger!!! And for those of you who will yell at that saying that Darth Maul struck in anger, he didn't! Just see above to realize that Darth Maul was scared of Darth Sidious so he just did as he told. Read this and realize, Darth Maul is a good guy!!!

Darth Maul

Post 2

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

wow............ahhhhh....................You're kinda stupid like that

Darth Maul

Post 3

SuperBard(his compainion Tsbreh, and both of their minstrels, Xerces, Tyrsis, and Thosan.)

hey, ermmmm how bout ok

Darth Maul

Post 4

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

wow, how bout those Skins? lol

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