This is the Message Centre for peasoupdragon

hi im jim

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i saw the name, and being a jim, i had to follow it to the page lol
im 60, ive been on the h2g2 for over 5 yrs.
i know nothing about food, apart from eating what i can
if you havent already done it.
put food or anything related into the h2g2 search, and you will find guides made and written by past and maybe present members.
somewhere abouts there is, or was a recipe thread( you ace) can send you the link if you need it.
the front page, will help you and your friends to find what you want,
i think you intro should be msn not msm lol take care smiley - dragon jim just passing through not n@ked lol.

hi im jim

Post 2


I am not really naked and my name is not Jim - it was a joke from the chatterbox.

thanks for pointing out the typo - am pretty renowned for my apalling typing/spelling.

If you want to join us on the foodie board you will be made very welcome. We are a friendly bunch who love discussing food.



hi im jim

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

if you go to my space, you will see my topics are history related, i did an edited guide on the town i live in.
im not on a pc, i use a link in an email, on whats called a digibox.
anything linked to the internet, apart from bbc and h2g2, i cant use.
my page as things for the internet, is my pis, h2g2 gallery and so on.
i go to an internet cafe 4 or 5 times a week, at home i can watch tv,and write a message lol.
my k/board is not connected its remote im about 5 ft away.
as i said, if you want help with the guides on food that have been done, contact an ace, you will find, in my friends list, lil aunt giggles, she is the lady that does h2g2 the post. smiley - dragon jim.
i gathered the name wasnt you, but it peeked my intrest lol
im what we call a lurker, i like to check out what seems strange,lol

hi im jim

Post 4


Soupy are you OK out there?

Am sitting here in my kitchen, supposed to be going to bed but not feeling very well, too tired & lazy to make the effort to go upstairs...



hi im jim

Post 5


Does this one close at midnight too?

Oh well, I'm about to find out.....

smiley - biggrin

hi im jim

Post 6

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

the h2g2 stays on all night and day, on sunday night it goes about midnight sometimes,
but not for long, they tend to do the upgrades on sunday early morning lol smiley - dragon jim

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