A Conversation for G.A.S. Headquarters

why Greebs is so good

Post 1

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

list the reasons why Greebs is so good.
1. Greebs is a smiley - donut fan
2. Greebs shuld be the Orange minister.
3. Greebs is funny.
Weel probably get to over 100 things.
Krahnsmiley - cool

why Greebs is so good

Post 2


~Greebo ponders the question~

1. Greebo is the cutest, smartest, wonderfulest, nicest, most brilliant, most kind, most lovable, huggable, wubbable, griniest, funniest, sexiest, charming, sweetest, doughnutiest, wisest, friendliest, most bestest cat in the whole wide world...
2. See number 1.
3. ~grin~


why Greebs is so good

Post 3

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

Dam right!!

Kransmiley - cool

why Greebs is so good

Post 4

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

My letter afterg kea doesent work .

*its kea board*


Krahnsmiley - cool

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