This is the Message Centre for Queen Nothing

oh dear.....

Post 1

Queen Nothing

hey everyone!! hope everyone reading this is in a better mood than i am....... i should be happy cos it's my birthday tommorow. :0)unfortunately i have a horrible higher maths exam thing. :0( maths not being my best subject, i'm rather worried about this. i should actually only really post these things when i have something interesting to say, other than just babbling on about green day concerts and stuff. (less than a month to go - yipee)
oh yeah, i started reading this book yesterday. it's called 'foucalts pendulum' and it's a little bit obscure, but still quite good. i also spent far more time on the phone this weekend than i should have...
considering i should have been revising maths, it probably wasn't a good idea to spend about 2 hours on the phone to someone, while i complained about maths.

oh, and another thing i noticed yesterday....i don't know if any of you are from glasgow, but they don't seem to have finished building the's like the council is in the process of digging up the streets.....

anyway, i'd best be off now, so you can stop readig about what seems to be a very boring life!!!


oh dear.....

Post 2


Hey there GF! I see you're bold enough to have a go at reading Umberto Eco... You're braver than I am, that's for sure! smiley - bigeyes

Anyway, glad you like the site, and top marks on the musical taste front... Being an unashamed metal-head, I'm always glad to see people supporting all things guitar-based.

Maths... *shudder* I remember that one... I got out whilst the getting was good, and have barely looked at a number since! smiley - winkeye
I hope the birthday and the maths paper went okay...
See ya 'round,

oh dear.....

Post 3


emz, let it be said that we both kicked an almost surprising amount of ass on the maths test.. so yeh.. no worries.. smiley - smiley
as long as one of us beat scott it's fine.. and seeing as we both ALWAYS do.. *hee hee*.. sorry, that was cruel.. but he's an arse

oh dear.....

Post 4

Queen Nothing

hey guys!!!

well, as chloe said, we both got 90% in the maths!! so wahey!!!!!!

green day gig in glasgow soon, totally can't wait...

where ru from nexus? cos i just got an amazing cd free with kerrang (british rock/metal type magazine) ...clo, you have to get it!

anyway, must be off now...

emz xx

oh dear.....

Post 5


I'm a London resident, and I was present at the recent h2g2 Christmas meetup. There are some photos of it floating around here somewhere, but I've (conveniently) forgotten the URL. smiley - winkeye

Congrats on the maths, enjoy Green Day... smiley - smiley

oh dear.....

Post 6

Queen Nothing

hey there!! 3 days to go till green day - i'm majorly hyper about it!
i'm actually going to be in the close vicinity to bille joe...aaahh!!

so you live in london? what do you do? i'm thinking of applying to LSE next year, but it depends how i do this year...the way things are going i'm not sure what i'll be doing!

oh dear.....

Post 7


What're you thinking of studying at LSE?

I'm a 'research assistant' currently, but hopefully I'll be moving up in the world sooner or later. *fingers crossed*

Where are you going to see GD, then? Is the support any good?

oh dear.....

Post 8

Queen Nothing

green day is on sunday, at the secc.....not the usual punk venue, but then green day seem to be going kinda pop anyway. never mind, should be a good gig!

depending on what i'm applying to do, i might apply to do economics, but the thought of the future is worrying me somewhat!!

i don't think there's anything wrong with being a research assistant - you didn't sound as if you like it! just as long as your happy with who you are etc...i don't think it really matters what you do...

oh dear.....

Post 9

The Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

Hi, did ya finish that "Foucault's Pendulum"? Weird, isn't it? Did you like it? I did!

oh dear.....

Post 10

Queen Nothing

i never actually got round to finishing it -i've only got to page 54 or thereabouts. i've enjoyed it so far though. since it's the end of term though (aka party season!!) it'll probably be a long time before i do anything remotely intelectual!!

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