This is the Message Centre for Red Baron

I know how you must feel!

Post 1


Hi Red Baron

This is my first post! I've just joined so am finding my way around, was just seeing what others had put on their spaces and clicked on yours. The reason I replied is because we have something in common. My daughter and son are in NZ - but I'm a Kiwi so it's a bit different for me. I've lived here in London for 7 years now and have one daughter living here who I get to see regularly.

Anyway, will make it brief, just wanted to say 'hi' and maybe you'll see me contributing when I've got the hang of it all.

T (Kiwi T)

I know how you must feel!

Post 2

Red Baron

Hi keeweetee

Nice to meet you! It's hard when they are so far away, isn't it? My daughter, who is in Manchester has been unwell - and I can't do anything to look after her - so what's it like when they are 13000Km away!
Which part of NZ are you from? My son is travelling around North Island at the minute - he was planning to reach Wellington this weekend. He is really enjoying it - doing all the scary things NZ is famous for!

Hope to see you around the boards!


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I know how you must feel!

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