A Conversation for The Right Stuff

Writing Workshop: A98110 - The Right Stuff

Post 1

LL Waz

Entry: The Right Stuff - A98110
Author: Researcher 38090 - U38090

I found this while surfing this morning. The author didn't come back after Rupert.

I think it's too slight for the UnderGuide but too good, I thought, to be left in the undergrowth.

It's neat smiley - smiley.

There were a couple of other pieces by 38090, also slight but also good which I'll submit too.

Writing Workshop: A98110 - The Right Stuff

Post 2


Lol, I thought it was entertaining but if we have to reduce mass then cloning would be the ideal answer - Petri dishes or tubes with embryos selected from the GM pool - just need some sacs to deposit them in but that would be ok, as the cells would be transported in a frozen state, this should be no problem to have a couple of engineers on board to construct some artificial wombs and let the biology begin. smiley - loveblush

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Writing Workshop: A98110 - The Right Stuff

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