A Conversation for Animal Farm, 1984, and George Orwell

Writing Workshop: A105391 - Animal Farm, 1984, and George Orwell

Post 1

Trout Montague

Entry: Animal Farm, 1984, and George Orwell - A105391
Author: njan - U47349

Since and entry on 1984 is chugging its way through PR, perhaps we ought to consider Animal Farm's message.

I'm particularly keen to read the views of 'those with epaulettes'.

Writing Workshop: A105391 - Animal Farm, 1984, and George Orwell

Post 2

Trout Montague

Jjan (james) are you interested in putting this forward?

Writing Workshop: A105391 - Animal Farm, 1984, and George Orwell

Post 3


Bugger! I was thinking about writing an article on this! Seeing as the author hasn't taken up your offer I'll get working right away. By the way he criminally neglected to mention three very important characters. Moses (the Raven representative of the church), Mollie (the stupid mare representative of enemies of the state) and the cat (a pragmatist gone nuts.) Perhaps a more detailed study of the book, it's morals and the characters is required. I'll get going then shall I?

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Writing Workshop: A105391 - Animal Farm, 1984, and George Orwell

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