This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Big Bad Werewolf's Guest Room

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

"What is it about the Werewolf that reminds me of Garius Lupus?" *Michelle thinks as she enters room 008, which is to be the werewolf's layer. This room has bare wood walls, and a bed with red covers. This room shares a bathroom with room 006, belonging to Peet. Above the bed is a painting of what appears to be the Aurthurian Black Knight weilding a spiked ball on the end of a chain. The room has a writting desk with all the neccissary tools and paper. Also here is a bookshelf containing Mary Shelley's "Frankenstien", Brahm Stoker's "Dracula", and several books regarding canines, wolves, and werewolves.

Big Bad Werewolf's Guest Room

Post 2

Big Bad Werewolf

*Enters and walks around the room examining everything. Pauses in front of the painting and grins. Tries moving the painting. Looks under bed. Scans the titles on the bookshelf and nods in approval. Tries to move the bookshelf. Opens the drawers in the desk. Thinks: this reminds me of a hotel room. All it needs is a Gideons bible.*

Big Bad Werewolf's Guest Room

Post 3

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Forgot to mention the bedstand next to BBW's bed! It contains the OGB (Obligatory Gideon's Bible). Trying to move the bookshelf by force produces no results. Moving the painting uncovers nothing interesting. In one of the drawers of the desk is a dead fish, oddly coloured.*

Big Bad Werewolf's Guest Room

Post 4

Big Bad Werewolf

*Removes fish from drawer. Sniffs fish and is about to take a bite, then decides that due to the odd colour, it might not be wise. Takes fish and heads to the sitting room.*

Big Bad Werewolf's Guest Room

Post 5

Big Bad Werewolf

*BBW, who had returned from the sitting room after getting no reaction to his oddly-coloured fish and gone to sleep, wakes up. He decides to go to the sitting room to see if he can get something to eat. Exits room.*

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