This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Michell enters room 004. This room will belong to Yowzupman, but since he has not arrived, and she knows nothing about him, she just goes along her way, preparing the room.

The colour scheme here is Green. Just green. Everything is green. There's a green plan on the pedistal along the north wall. The bedspread is green. The plumber in the painting above the bed is wearing green overalls and holding a green pipe in his hand. The books on the bookshelves are all about plants. The desk, on the west wall, and the nightstand next to the bed, are not green. But the door in the south west corner of the room is green. That door leads to the Wash Closet that Yowzupman will share with his next door neighbor Garius Lupus.*

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 2

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

STAVRO: The washroom is through there *indicates green bathroom door*

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 3

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

thank you

*washes hands and returns to the dining room*

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 4

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

begins looking around the room looking for bugging devices/ pinhole TV cameras/ secret passages.
Starts at the nightstand [?on the door side of the bed or the other?] looking through all the drawers, pulling out everything in them and sorting it on his bed.

Moves on to the desk [roll-top I hope] thoughly checking it, pulling everything out of the desk and sorting it on the bed, flipping over the chair and checking the desk it's self again for anything out-of-the-ordinary.......... [before I go on what do I find?]

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 5

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

(You find that the nightstand is on the side of the bed near the door. It contains a Gideon's Bible in which every occurance of the word "fish" is underlined in red ink. The desk and the chair at the moment seem fairly normal. You accidentally cut your finger on the letter opener.)

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 6

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

(You find that the nightstand is on the side of the bed near the door. It contains a Gideon's Bible in which every occurance of the word "fish" is underlined in red ink. The desk and the chair at the moment seem fairly normal. You accidentally cut your finger on the letter opener.)

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 7

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Puts the Letter opener on the nightstand

continues searching the room pulling out all the exquisite book on plants, opening all of them and flipping through them, sets one on DNA on the nightstand for bed time reading. Looks under the bed, [under the rug if there is one], taps on the walls and listens for hollow sounds, looks behind the painting and looks for a signiture on the painting, examines the frame of the painting too. Thows back the sheets, looks under the mattress and the bed as well, and thorally (?) searches the WC, then steams up the WC and looks at the mirror to see if there are any messages written on it.......

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 8

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 9

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*I just noticed this now... I suppose I should have mentioned that one of the books -- a book on Birdwatching -- stuck in the shelf and did not want to come out...*

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 10

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 11

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*After a great effort, the book pulls back maybe a quarter of an inch, then sinks further into the back of the bookshelf. As it does this, the bookshelf itself, slides to the right, concealing itself within the wall, and revealing a small, dark room beyond. That room contains a pair of TV monitors which are turned off (with no visible means of turning them on), and a door which is made of some metal and has no knob or handle of any kind*

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 12

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*After a great effort, the book pulls back maybe a quarter of an inch, then sinks further into the back of the bookshelf. As it does this, the bookshelf itself, slides to the right, concealing itself within the wall, and revealing a small, dark room beyond. That room contains a pair of TV monitors which are turned off (with no visible means of turning them on), and a door which is made of some metal and has no knob or handle of any kind*

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 13

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 14

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

[no luck. This door appears to be designed to be opened from the other side.]

Yowzupman's Guest Room

Post 15

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

~leaves to find the others down the hall~

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