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Afgncaap5's Guest Room

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Michelle enters Room 001, and, checking her guest list, sees that this room is going to belong to Afgncaap5, the adventurer, inventor and famous detective. She gets all tingly just imagining meeting him after all she has heard of his exploits, and she wonders when he will show up. She tries to put thoughts of him out of her mind as she arranges his room.

The predominant hue of this room is Violet, the bed, in stark contrast is bright Red. One enters the room from a passage and stands in the doorway at the southwest corner of the room. Directly north, in the centre of the west wall, is the bed, above which hangs a painting of a man dressed in fancy clothes, holding a dueling pistol. On the North Wall is a book case containing many various items of sensational literature, including the complete works of William Shakespear, volumes one and two of the definative collection of Sir Arthur Connan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories, every novel and story ever written by Agatha Christie, several compilations from the Strand, and one or two works by Alfred Hitchock, among the rest. In the NorthEast corner of the room is a doorway leading to a bathroom that Affy shares with his next door neighbor, NYCStudent. Against the East wall is a writting desk, upon which sit blotting paper, Illusion Hall stationary and envelopes, and a quill pen with ink. On the South wall there is a small pedistal, on top of which is a potted plant. Next to the bed is a nightstand. Looking inside the drawer of this nightstand, one may be relieved to find a Gideons Bible. It's just unsettling to stay without one, as common as they are in hotel rooms, etc.*

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