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Post 1


Falkirk is a wee town in Central Scotland. It isnt one of the nicest places to live, there are only really 2 places to live that are fairly decent, those being Polmont and Brightons, and they arent exactly brilliant either...... The coolest place to live is St Margarets, simply becase its the most working class place on earth, right enough, most of the people living there are [Personal details removed by Moderator]This is a list of wee villages in Falkirk:
St Maggies
The Bog(i know, and believe me... it really is a fitting name)

Oh, and ive walked through Letham, it seems ok, its very quiet.
But the rest of em are rubbish, full of wino's, moronic trendies, druggies. Im convinced its the Town Version of Glasgow,
but atleast Glasgow have a decent football stadium, namely Ibrox.. and Hampden.

In conclusion, the only decent thing about Falkirk is my old punk band RCT.
But that disbanded 2 months ago after two of my buddies died of heroin overdozes.......


Post 2


Seems like a Train Spotting scenario to me. smiley - winkeye
Yes, I have friends living in Alloa. You should have heard of it, and I've been to Falkirk. I always pretty much like the name. What is so terrible about living there? I quite liked the place. (Well, when you're on holiday it's not usually very hard to enjoy yourself, I agree.
Have you tried living in Edinborough? Beautiful place that is!
Please avoid moving to Hull. It's where I lived for 6 months and it really is a dump! (Ok, some nice people live there, but that's pretty much it I'm affraid.)
Anyway, I might see you around some time, right? And try to set up another band. smiley - winkeye

Love, Cecile


Post 3


Alloa used to be ok but has gone down hill recently, since all the industry closed down and they started putting up business parks all over Clackmannanshire. The reason for all the development being given as "people want to locate here, due to the magnificent scenery and views of the Ochils".......the very thing they have destroyed by throwing buildings up everywhere!

On a more positive note, at least Alloa has one thing going for it.......em........let me think.....ah yes, I lived there for the first 16 years of my life! smiley - smiley

oh and a cool band played the leesure bowel there a while ago, you may have heard of them........GUN (http://www.gunrgallus.fsnet.co.uk/


Post 4


My sister is married to a Scot and she used to live in Polmont (Polwarth Ave near the prison).
When I used to visit we would go to the Tollboth cafe and have that gorgeous cake that is biscuit on the bottom,then a layer of minty fondant and then a layer of chocolate.
Her in laws all live in Westquarter.
She moved back down here 10 years ago and I haven't been back since.
Is the cafe still there and can you still buy those fantastic pies with beans in the top?


Post 5


My sister is married to a Scot and she used to live in Brightons(Polwarth Ave near the prison).
When I used to visit we would go to the Tollboth cafe and have that gorgeous cake that is biscuit on the bottom,then a layer of minty fondant and then a layer of chocolate.
Her in laws all live in Westquarter.
She moved back down here 10 years ago and I haven't been back since.
Is the cafe still there and can you still buy those fantastic pies with beans in the top?


Post 6


There is an expression used in certain parts of Scotland which seems relevenat here. "Get to Falkirk" is a euphemism for "Get to f***" and is used when your auntie is in the room, except Auntie Maureen who comes from Falkirk.


Post 7

Researcher 222518

ah, this is a controvertial one, i live in glasgow, which is a wonderful place to live. ok we are "working class" too but i like it. we have many smaller towns surrounding also , some of which are very exclusive actually!


Post 8


you left bo'ness off your list? it's a loverly quiet place many decent folk live here


Post 9


Hiya bryan its me Kirsty!! xXx


Post 10


If there is one place worse than Falkirk, it has to be the town of Denny nearby. I mean, when I lived there for the first 17 years of my life, we went to Falkirk for EXCITEMENT!

Things I remember about Falkirk:

The York Cafe where the best "tea" could be found: a fish supper, slice of white bread and butter and a cup of tea. Brilliant!

The bizarre one-way system

Brockville Football Ground where Falkirk play (played, I hear its to be torn down for a supermarket?)

The Falkirk Herald: possibly the most parochial newspaper in the world: only read for the obituries to see which member of my large but elderly family had popped their clogs now.

The Burns Inn: a good old fashioned pub where the beer was as sweet as "tablet"

Dollar Park

Haven't been back for 20 years.


Post 11


If you live in Bo'ness you get a chance to go in a REAL steam train smiley - biggrin


Post 12


Hi Tom, you mentioned Boness, i was evacuated there during the last war,only for a short period though. I was sent to a mansion called the Grange, i was just wondering if you know of the place,it was on the road from linlithgo to Boness or bathgate, it was so long ago that i cant remember which, all i can remember is, i got the bus from school in Linlithgo, and the driver stopped in the middle of the countryside at the lane leading to the grange.

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