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Seven swans a-swimming, six geese a laying

Post 1

You can call me TC

It's been so warm and sunny these past few days that I have taken to cycling the "scenic route" to work - along by the gravel pits. The ducks and other birds are out on the water, the water is calm, if a little murky, and the odd angler is still to be seen sitting with his coffee and newspaper.

There are numerous geese around, and today I saw one swimming - or was it a brown-speckled swan?

Unfortunately, although it is pleasant and peaceful, it's not very photogenic at the moment - a blur of browns and greys. There is some green visible, but the trees are mainly birches or poplars, and the paths are very muddy (have to get off and push at one point). In the distance - although not too far - the chipboard factory spreads along the length of the river, and the smoke from the chimneys still rises up into the clouds.

This picture gives you an idea of the layout:

If I follow the "official" cycle path, alongside the road, I take the path above the football pitch, and if I want the scenic route, I take the path below the football pitch and cycle between the two areas of water.

Son No 3 is with us at the moment and has been cutting wood with his Dad. After their session yesterday, he was so hot, he went down to the water to cool off. I don't think he went in swimming, though.

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Seven swans a-swimming, six geese a laying

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