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Work to do

Post 1

You can call me TC

It's June. May Balls. Sitting by the water. Barbecues. Flowers and sunshine.

And yet. I feel like I'm spinning dozens of plates here. At work, things are piling up and I have e-mails unread, a huge pile of papers, each involving a smaller or larger piece of work, and orders still come in relentlessly. Today three of our team are away, (one ill, two on a course) which leaves the telephone to the remaining two of us.

In mid-July, I am expecting guests. A whole family of four. I offered to put them up years ago, and now they're coming. The boys' rooms need re-doing as (a) they've not been decorated for nearly 20 years, (b) They are in a terrible state and, of course, (c) the boys have as good as left home, and when they do come back, they need more of a hotel room than a single bed and a writing desk like they had in their school days.

It would have been nice to have re-decorated the rooms ready for my guests, but these things take longer than you think, especially the decision-making. I haven't done a thing up there for at least 15 years, and now I'm having to clear out tonnes of stuff (old toys and books, things that just got "put" there...) Then I'll need to vaccuum the whole two top floors so the carpet man can come and measure up. Next Tuesday. Which probably doesn't leave enough time to get the carpet laid before my guests come. So I can't get a new bed for them.

I've known about this since January. Procrastination is not a Good Thing.

In musical matters, we have a class recital for all budding organists on Thursday week. I shall have to practise like mad for that. When, I wonder? 4 am?

Work to do

Post 2


smiley - applause plate spinning

Work to do

Post 3

You can call me TC

One happy event. I ordered the DVD of the 3rd Sherlock series and have been watching that whilst doing the ironing.

Mark Gatiss is just quite brilliant.

Work to do

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

We've had the last concert of the season on Sunday evening, so I'm hoping that we'll have a bit more time over the next three months for the important things such as gardening, eating and drinking, and going to other people's concerts.

Recumbentman is doing a concert on Friday at lunchtime which I hope to get to. Viols and recorders.

Work to do

Post 5


And a sweet soprano.

Work to do

Post 6

You can call me TC

O gosh yes - concert! That's another plate. Ours is on 6th july. Rehearsals are hotting up. Then with my own local church choir we have 6 weddings over the summer and last but not least my first grandson is due at the end of July.

Work to do

Post 7

Sho - employed again!

Mark Gatiss is just fantastic. We've been watching Sherlock S3 too and he is wonderful in every scene. I saw him in the NTLive broadcast of Coriolanus and he was very nearly the best thing about it, just pipped at the post by Tom Hiddleston's fabulous Coriolanus.

Work to do

Post 8

You can call me TC

I meant more his work on writing the Sherlock, but he does do the acting rather well, too. The sinister, cynical Mycroft....

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