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Post 1

You can call me TC

Well - my Dad's been gone nearly a month now. After the initial shock, my mother has been keeping herself very busy sorting things out - she was doing office work full time last week she says. She and my sister had an appointment at the solicitor's this morning.

She sounds amazingly bright and fit, and keeps expecting, when all the organising has been cleared away, to "deflate". But, quite honestly, I've never heard her sounding so young and sprightly on the phone. She has been carrying a fantastic burden for these past 13 years or so, and, for the moment, is doing really well and almost enjoying not having to worry about how he is. We are so pleased for her that it's turned out this way, even if it is a very fragile bubble of relief which is lightening her days.

smiley - erm mixed metaphors there? Sorry!

She is certainly looking ahead, talking about what she has to do in the garden in the Autumn and even - tentatively - contemplating coming to visit us some time.

I'll go over and see her in November, when I've cleared myself a few days at work and found reasonably priced flights.


Post 2


Hi, TC,

It probably is an enormous relief and she is probably feeling better than she has in ages. Often people won't admit it, because it seems disloyal, but it is natural. I expect Christmas anniversaries and birthdays etc. will take their toll eventually, and she is probably closing off the grief for the moment.

I do hope she continues to thrive, it sounds as if she deserves it after such a long time.

Take care yourself too,

Websailor smiley - dragon


Post 3

You can call me TC

Thanks, WS. It will be his birthday on 2 November, and I'm going over so we can scatter the ashes on that day. So that will be one anniversary where we'll be kept busy.


Post 4

You can call me TC

Or does one say "would have been his birthday"? I mean, it still is the day he was born, even if he isn't alive to celebrate it.

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