This is the Message Centre for earthmaiden

Hello from the USA

Post 1


Earthmaiden, hello from the state from of North Dakota. I have never been to Oregon but have been to Washington state. I subscribed to this site as my grandfather's family on my fathers side is from the Isle of Man so I wanted to meet ppl from that way. I love History...especially that of the Native Americans as they were here first. I enjoy reading, baking and a few other things when I don't procrastinate. Wishing you a Happy New Year. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

Hello from the USA

Post 2


Hi, I've never been to North Dakota. Apart from Oregon the only thing I have done is a drive from Oklahoma across to Oregon and a visit to Seattle. I'm afraid I've never been to the Isle of Man either! My family are mostly from the south of England and Scotland. Are you interested in genealogy? I have started a bit just on the internet in the last couple of years and it's been fascinating - I have even found people on various sides of the family with whom I share great, great, great grandfathers! I have read a little American history and an learning all the time but British and Australian I know more of. I am also interested in ancient peoples, including the early native Americans, there is a guy called Paul Deveraux who has done a lot of research into native history, especially in Colorado and come up with some interesting stuff. I'm no expert at anything much though!

I'm older than you. When man landed on the moon I was in a maths class at school in Australia. They played neil Armstrong's immortal words over the loudspeaker for us all to hear smiley - smiley.

All the best


Hello from the USA

Post 3


My dad's family comes from the Isle of Man. I am German on the other side of his family. My mom's dad is Norveigan...hence the name uffdamaidasmiley - smiley but her mom was kinda a mut. She is English,German, Irish and maybe Cherokee. My mom is researching her mom's side and turns out I am related to some Moss's in Australiasmiley - smiley guess they got their the way the other natives didsmiley - smiley. I have a couple native friends who are related to some bad men who didn't treat natives very nice. One is related to General Alfred Sully, the other is related to Andrew Jackson...yikes. Take care and I'll send ya some snow. Don't want it here. I fell on the ice yesterday so I feel 80yrs oldsmiley - sadface Take care. Uffdamaidasmiley - smiley

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