This is the Message Centre for kirun

Course we care!!!

Post 1

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Uhh... hi. And welcome to h2g2!! smiley - tongueout We're a nice lot we are, and fairly organised too smiley - winkeye
h2g2's a great place and i hope you enjoy your time here (i have!)
So to help you settle in - here's some links smiley - tongueout

The Newcomers' Welcome is at . It's a great place to meet other noobees!

The ACEs' Homepage is at . I'm an ACE, an Assistant Community Editor, aka a friendly person. smiley - winkeye There's quite a few of us. If you ever need anything, we're the ones to ask!

You can see my page by clicking on my name ^^^

So, um, what's MAME??

I see you know HTML as you've used it on your page, but I recommend you have a look at and possibly learn/use GuideML - , because there are many things that you can easily do with GuideML that you can't easily do with HTML. smiley - smiley

Have fun smiley - smiley

Course we care!!!

Post 2

Yevrah Niai Researcher 148101

I agree with the above statement.

Iain smiley - smiley

Course we care!!!

Post 3

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm glad you do. smiley - bigeyes

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