This is the Message Centre for halo nine

Hello there

Post 1


Hello there and welcome to h2g2 i do hope that you like it here i hope you can chose which name you like mine comes from a british tv show called doctor who.(more details on my homepage)
We here on h2g2 are a friendly bunch and like to greet new people as soon as we get the chance it helps you to feel welcome (which you are)and helps us make new friends.if you feel that you would like to read my homepage you can just click on my name at the top of this message if there is anything that i can help you with please let me know.

Hello there

Post 2

halo nine

hi timelord! thanks for reading my page! and thanks, i hope to settle on a name soon smiley - smiley i took a look at your page... what did the tattoo say?

Hello there

Post 3


It was not so much what it said but were it was were it was that i found interesting*.
So do you like it here.
*p.s.I only put that as a joke

Hello there

Post 4

halo nine

that is funny!! i'm telling my friends about that one.

Hello there

Post 5


I do like to make people laugh.

Hello there

Post 6

halo nine

: D

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