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First entry and thoughts of the day...

Post 1


First entry in trying to personalize this little corner of the universe. Which brings up another thought: Can the universe, which is amorphous, have corners? Right - back to the actual thoughts of the day. First - after a short perusal of this Guide I've noted a distinct lack of American biscuit recipes, with note to Southern biscuits in particular, and so I shall be researching and writing a bit on that in the next few days (it will occupy some of my time). Second - it's nigh on to impossible to find motor accesories in British Racing Green in the States. I had this cracking thought as I was mired in traffic this morning - I recently had to (yes, had) purchase a new vehicle - let's dress up this nice but rather drab interior with some BRG accessories: seat covers, perhaps a gear lever top, maybe even floor mats. This is not to say that the gray interior isn't pleasant but I think bits of color, especially a proper motoring color, go a long way to help things out. This is what goes through my mind as I sit in the worst commuting traffic in the States. I also thought that I was appallingly low on certain "essential" items in my pantry - such as tins of beans, tomato soup, and Branston pickle (yes, this is one Yank who visited and left with a permanent hankering for such things. I still don't understand Marmite/Vegemite...ick...). I need to make a stop at my local stockist of all such things (Yes, some of the peculiar linguistics also stuck and more are being added). I was also rather distressed to hear about McVities halting production on the plain chocolate biscuits (HobNobs I think, but I need to re-read that particular item) and since the prices of packets of those essential tea time biscuits are approaching astronomical ($5US for the 300gm packet) I went in search of a recipe to make my own. I found one through the Great British Kitchen. I'll be baking up several batches soon and stocking my freezer so that I can enjoy them often. I think that's enough for now. I'm certain to post more in the near future.

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