This is the Message Centre for Blackfrog

Staking my Claim

Post 1


Today I established my own little place on the World Wide Web. Well,its more like a summer home, seeing as i already have a home page. Anyhow, i have adopted an aggresive 'No Tressspasing' policy in order to make sure that no others try to infringe on my property. I wish to get the page looking decent and filled out before i let anyone inside.

My first task shall be to establish a working biography... otherwise no-one will be able to grasp any of these entries, seeing as the will pretain to the life of a high-school student gone Techie. (note for the unenlightened - 'Techie' refers to a 'Stage Technition' not the more popular conotation of a computer nerd. However, i fit both usages of the word)

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Staking my Claim

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