This is the Message Centre for jecook

oy vey.

Post 1


Yiddish is a colerful language. You can express your feeling much better then resorting to the more traditional expletives.

Part of my job is to travel to various places.

in the past two weeks, I've been to (in order):

Albuquerque, New Mexico for an overnight.
Sunnyvale, California for a night.
Anaheim, Burback, and Santa Barbara, all in California for a two day gig.
I'm leaving tonight for the wonderful city of Austin, Texas.

I'd stuff some pictures here but I don't want to bore the sole person that reads these >smiley - smiley

Just edited the laser printer article I did a while back, just to clear it up a bit. I'm think of ading a companion for the color models, but who really cares anyway.

Not much fore to say, so I'd best get packing.

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