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New Lodger

Post 1


My new lodger will be arriving this week.

The theory is that this will solve my money problems by sharing the expenses of rent and utilities.

The downside is the loss of privacy.

Privacy is very important to me - a place where I can shut out the world and pretend that I have some sort of control.

Luckily, he's an auxiliary nurse at a local hospital and, due to shift work, we won't be facing each other trying to find areas of common interest too often and the whole process will be slowed to pace I can cope with.
He's actually a friend of a friend and we've been on nodding terms for a year or so. Hopefully, this means things won't be as awkward as they could have been.

Even so, my whole private life is about to be turned upside-down:-

No more walking around naked in the mornings.
No more leaving the housework until even I get disgusted at the state of the bathroom.

No more privacy.

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New Lodger

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