This is the Message Centre for nye

revolution or not

Post 1


on my page i have a series of statements about what effect technology and the internet is having on our social behavior- how is it affecting your life?

revolution or not

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Unfortunately nye, this is not the place to ask such a question, as no-one will see it. {I came here to greet you}.
As I am also an "unofficial" helper, I can point you in the right direction though!
You need to go to and either start off your own thread, OR post to an existing thread, then you will get all the people who posted prior to you, coming to read it!smiley - smiley
You will get the thread refreshed on your homepage everytime someone posts, so make sure you read the backlog if you can't log in very often.
I would like to answer your question now.
I was tied to my house as a carer of a handicapped child, and very lonely for human companionship, until I bought my computer.
I did make friends on the internet, but nothing compared with the amount of wonderful people I have met, and friends I have made, since joining h2g2.
You only have to check my message centre to see how popular I am.
And I feel truly blessed.
Now as I have grown in confidence, people come to me for advice, or help.
I feel so ~useful~ life has taken on new meaning...I no longer feel like a hermit {female hermit?}smiley - smiley
I would never have "met" all these wonderful people without the technological advance of computers and the internet.
I hope my answer has been of some use to you.
If I can help you in any other way, please click "reply" and I will be alerted, or if you just want to talk to me again!
Good luck!smiley - tongueout
Archangel Galaxy Babe smiley - fish

revolution or not

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Try this link
smiley - sorry
I typed it wrong.
That link should take you to the right place to post your question. smiley - smiley

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