A Conversation for Rifles

Considered the Peer Review?

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Hmmm... I never knew that. Good entry! smiley - ok
Okay, so you mention 'Rifles', but is there a distinction between 'Rifles', 'Sniper Rifles' and 'Assault Rifles'? Just stick a little of that in and send it to Peer Review. I think it could do well...

Considered the Peer Review?

Post 2


smiley - erm Looks like the original author has long gone... hasn't posted anything since October 2000...

If you're interested in the entry Wargamer, why don't you take it over and finish it off.

Just use http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/test453548 to steal the source GML, copy and paste into a new entry of your own and edit to your hearts content....

Just don't forget to put 156731 in the credit box at the bottom to give the original author co-credit for the piece.

There are also a couple of entries on individual assault rifles you could link to at
A596441 and A653735

smiley - cheers

Considered the Peer Review?

Post 3

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

I'll do just that! Thanks Whisky! smiley - ok
smiley - ale?

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