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Last Frontier

Post 1

Brahm Danger

We landed in the small town of Fairbanks,Alaska. After an icy landing I slipped off the steps of the small passenger plane. I wasn't prepared for the chill wind that hit me like a ton of bricks. I rushed into the terminal of the Fairbanks International Airport to be met by sweet, sweet central heating. After pulling my things together I set off to find a decent restaurant.
A good two miles from the airport I found a large shopping center called the Shoppers Forum Mall. I hopped inside and soon found a cozy little cafe. After ordering a cup of coffee I sat back and pulled out my map. I quickly decided that it was too early to decide on anything, which didn't really make much sense, so I just sat back and waited for that cup of joe.
I spent the night in a small motel and ventured out the next morning to see what could be done. Over the river and six or seven miles heading north on Farmer's Loop road I came to the Sled Dog Racing grounds. Those dogs were some of the most beautiful and gracefull that I have seen in my life. I made more than a few friends there and I met some of the people too.
I have spent the past few days exploring and getting ready for my departure but I have not yet decided on my next destination, I have a few choices. I think I will stay here a small while longer.

-Brahm Danger Amott

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