This is the Message Centre for Murifri-L-Viv-Adrpht-Oiad

Still hurting inside because of the fact that Sophia looks different every time.

Post 1


It's so hard sometimes,
To just accept the facts.
Understand that in his death you will find more than only an end. In a way, it also means a new beginning. Without a scream, not even a whisper this world ended and I’m pretty sure you didn’t even notice. The question is once again if you are ready to give up all you thought was safe and belonged to you. If you’re not, you will drown in the rain. But if you are, and you’re ready to take the gun, you will float.
You can blame me if you want, you can blame Marilyn Manson, you can blame the devil, you can even blame god but know that it’s really no one’s fault and no ones responsibility. This means it’s ours and we deserve everything we have taken under our wing and has grown up to be a cancer. It’s our cigarettes, our rock stars, our alcohol, our cocaine our bullets.
If you want to, we’ll play a little game, it’s called death. It’s very easy, believe me. It’s up to you if you win or lose and you even set the rules and you even decide what’s winning and losing. But once you’ve decided, there’s no way back, then it’s become your creation.
Some do it fast, some do it better, in smaller amounts.

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Still hurting inside because of the fact that Sophia looks different every time.

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