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Post 1


Alright, I just got back from celebrating my mother's birthday. I get along with my parents, especially now that I am out on my own...(and have been out for years..I think they are finally coming to terms with this).

Looking back on my time with them, I see just how many jokes were cracked that have been cracked before... how many puns were said for the upteenth time, how each behavior in my family is predictable... and it suprises me to see that we all laugh at the old jokes, groan at the puns, and act suprised when the cake/pie is brought in. We laugh at the "magic" re-light candles, act horrified when everyone says the forgot to get any presents, and smile when the cat comes out of the forgotten kitchen with frosting on his nose.

And I realise...I wouldn't have it any other way. I am 27 now, my sister is 24, and my father and mother are 72 and 59, respectively. While we as a family haven't gotten along with each other very well over the years, we have grasped the good times and funny moments that have cemented us together as a family. And while we are still dealing with tough issues that still anger all of us, there is a sence of family there that the was not in previous years.

I will not go into what my family has faced in the past. There are others who have had worse, and others who have had better. But I have had no other, so I deal with my own past, and I share my family's history with them.

And I look forward to the year to come, with 4 more instances of birthday puns, cards with bad jokes, and candles that magically re-light, to everyone's suprise. I love my family, for it is what I have. I have been blessed with my family, for they are who I love.

Troubles be damned. There is time enough for trouble tomorrow. Time for me to pretend i forgot the cake.

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