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Post 1


I just wanted to say thankyou for being friendly to the people that have spoken to me
doing this sort of thing is rather unerving as I normally refer to computers generally as bloody machines
That makes me sound really old ( and I'm only 26 )
Any hoo it stems from patiently learning how to programme in bbc basic at the age of about 7 only to have my dad upgrade his computer so I couldn't make the little mouse run around anymore ( or the rocket ship take off or the pretty carpets work )
I was extremely traumatised and swore I'd never use one again ( lying obviuosly but I was only iccle )
so bear with me I'll try and get better
But if do dumb things you all have to promise not to laugh at me
promise ?? smiley - smiley

How polite you are

Post 2


Nice to be reminded of the BBC machines. Weren't they just great? Also the next generation Acorns. Any problems (rare) just pull out the plug then switch it on again and away it went. No grumbling - they just got on with it. I've still got a couple which I run for special stuff because they're more versatile than this thing. Sadly I found it was cheaper to get this naff PC for internet connection than to upgrade the Acorn.
Heigh ho.
Good luck with the studying, and keep embarrassing the wee laddie.
smiley - winkeye

How polite you are

Post 3


Thanx hun I intend to
My dad has now trained as a counsellor so I have to use the free therapy somehow smiley - smiley

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