This is the Message Centre for Bernadette Lynn_ Home Educator

More good wishes

Post 1

Global Village Idiot

Hi Bernadette,

I should thank you too for coming to the wedding. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the music - I hear they worried a few people later on by playing some "rebel" songs, but I don't think the English contingent would have twigged enough to be offended smiley - smiley.

I hope your summer is going well - it's certainly got a bit better since your last journal entry - and particularly of course that you and Charlotte are fine and healthy. I don't know how Jim can concentrate on work at a time like this, let alone come up with all this new stuff smiley - smiley.

My friend Karen had a son while Jackie and I were on honeymoon - it was potentially dangerous because she's in her late thirties now, and has had the odd health scare in the past - but everything went really well, and they're home now and everything's tickety-boo. I suppose we were all such a source of excitement once, 2 billion little miracles walking the face of the planet, but somehow each one still retains its magic.

Good luck, and keep us posted!


More good wishes

Post 2


Hello Bernadette

Just wanted to add my good wishes to the list for the (impending?) birth of your daughter. I hope and pray everything goes well for you this time. You certainly deserve it.

All the best from a guy who allegedly intensely dislikes kids - so why do the little blighters keep coming up to me to play with me...?
smiley - fish

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