A Conversation for Capoeira

At last...

Post 1


The article I never got around to writing has been posted and the best part is I didn't have to lift a finger! smiley - smiley

I think this article is an impressive piece of work and the only thing I really miss is a note of the differences between the Angola and the Regional styles. As I see it your article has mostly covered the latter but I think both should be mentioned to give as a corect vision of the subject as possible!

None the less I look forward to reading your article when it is finished and I will recommend it to the editors if no one else does so before me!



Post 2

Researcher 166888

I agree that the article is good and presents Capoeira in a usable way, but I must add that the movie "Only the strong" featuring Mark Dacascos is a movie exclusively about Capoeira.
Otherwise you are right.

Muito AXè.

Viva o grupo União.


Post 3


Well, the article is incomplete, because I haven't gotten around to writing the rest of it.

I've watched "Only the Strong." Even though it does portray Capoeira, I'm almost embarassed by how bad the movie is. Bad writing, bad acting, and the capoeira is weak sauce, as my mestre would say.

What else would you like to see in the article? I'm having trouble narrowing down the piles of information I could put in.

Capoeir e Bom!

Post 4


Hmm... What to add? Dunno... Perhaps something about the music or the instruments?
A notation of what the appelidos are and why they are still used even though capoeira is no legal? smiley - smiley

And I agree with you, "Only the Strong" is not a very good movie...
You havn't seen Cordao de Ouro? An old movie staring Nestor Capoeira.
The claim it's far better(but very hard to get and in portugese).

Capoeir e Bom!

Post 5


Cordao de Ouro? Never heard of it. Which is to say, I've never heard of the movie, but I've heard of the group.

Capoeir e Bom!

Post 6


Oh, and what's the original reason for the appelidos? I haven't heard that story before. I think my mestre just told us it's something they do in Brazil.

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