This is the Message Centre for Eddy Fate

First time here

Post 1

Eddy Fate

Wow, who knew that the Guide would exist one day on the Web? Now we have to get my Palm Pilot to access the Guide, and it's all good...

I'm Eddy Webb, aka Eddy Fate, and I'm brand new to h2g2, if not to the Guide in general. I'm still setting up, but I'll be spending a lot of time exploring and commenting on anything my heart desires, or perhaps my spleen.


- Eddy

First time here

Post 2

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Another virgin! Don't worry, darlin', I'll be gentle with you. First time should be the best time, after all. C'mon over to my place for a cocktail, when you have a little time. But leave your palm pilot at home--we're gonna fill your hands with other goodies, if I have my say in the matter!

First time here

Post 3


Hey Honey!

Thought I'd leave you a note to say hi and I Love You! I know. I'm spamming you on your own page but I thought that you'd appreciate the sentiment!

'da punk ass girl

First time here

Post 4

Eddy Fate

Thank you honey! I love you too!

Eddy Fate

First time here

Post 5



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