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Post 1

Eddy Fate

NEVER say that "the worst problem I have right now is..." followed by some trite domestic concern.

(As a side note, I got my wife the DVD for "Hair" and "The Warriors", a Emeril cookbook and an Adam Ant CD. She loved them. Thank the gods for

Now, however, I sit on the cusp of a doctor's appointment to see if I have potentially contracted Sleep Apnoeia. I have been snoring the past few months (which I DON'T do) and occasionally stopped breating. Plus I've been having some physical problems with exhaustion, dizziness, difficulty with intercourse, and other fun and wonderful things.

The last time I went to a doctor was in England when my wife dislocated her kneecap dancing at the Electric Ballroom (in Camden, London) and we sat in Accident & Emergency for 6 1/2 hours (3am to 9:30am).

Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to it.

- Eddy


Post 2

Eddy Fate


Went to the doctor. Seems I might have developed a sinus problem since I've moved to Cincinnati. That, plus the fact that I'm 30 pounds overweight, means I'm a potential candidate for sleep apnoea.

So it's Claritin, Nasal Spray and the gym for me.


- Eddy

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