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So far, so good...

Post 1

Eddy Fate

Whew. She hasn't figured out how to convert her account yet, so I'm safe for a while. Now I can midlessly blather on about her birthday gift without her seeing. Maybe.

Anyhow, she wants a small party, possibly at a wrestling Pay Per View (what can I say, she was a wrestling fan before me). Since the only one is King of the Ring, which we did for her last year, I'm thinking that's the one. Maybe we'll go to my brother-in-law's house and watch it there. And maybe I'll take her out to dinner for sushi?

Now, for the gift. I have control of the checkbook for a few days... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha....

I'm stumped.

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So far, so good...

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