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What is the sound of one brick dropping?

Post 1

Chairman Mei


Saw you were online, thought I'd stop by. Didn't mean to sound snappy, I blame the hayfever and continued existence in the Condition Germaine... Didn't realise you were a sub-editor, sir. Am I excused? Anyhow, hope the cynicism doesn't rough up too many more nerves, helps me to survive here, which I have done, just, for the last 10 years or so.

So, as one of the only people to have read my rants, don't you get the feeling that Germany is a lot farther away than the 90 minutes flying time? I should point out that I'm based in and around FFM, an area even the Hessiche are quick to denounce as weird smiley - winkeye

My hayfever has given me some respite from the depression it usually arouses, please feel priviledged to be addressed civilly (is that a word), you are currently in the minority smiley - smiley

The Chairman

What is the sound of one brick dropping?

Post 2

You can call me TC

Gosh - I'm ever so sorry, I have only just discovered this posting. Thank you for addressing me personally. I knew you were all right really, and if ever you get in trouble, you can refer to me.

I'm afraid I'm rather integrated though, although I do take care not to lose my English and not to muddle the languages (which is the only thing my kids will ever get told off for doing, I'm so strict about it). I think there are advantages and disadvantages to both places and I don't object to a bit of regimenting, as I am so chaotic myself and seem to require some sort of framework to stick to (childhood trauma, perhaps?)

Frankfurt is probably very cosmopolitan compared to the rural area I live in, so life will be very different for you. But don't get me wrong, I have loads of English and American girlfriends who are married to Germans and we often get together and have a bitch about them. (not to mention mothers in law)

But people are people - to quote Duran Duran - and generalisations usually dissolve after you know plenty of individuals.

Stick around. Sorry I missed you again.

What is the sound of one brick dropping?

Post 3

Chairman Mei

Sad though when we have to quote Mr The Good to describe them smiley - smiley I tend towards (though NOT politically!!! <sori, 3 exclamation marks WERE necessary there!!! and there&gtsmiley - winkeye Old, Dead Winston who said "The German is either at your throat or at your feet"... Know what he means smiley - winkeye
Catch you later
The Chairman

What is the sound of one brick dropping?

Post 4

You can call me TC

Can't agree with that. Without wanting to defend them, I find usually they're just people. And they target all parts of your anatomy.

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