This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Time for a change I think!

Post 4901


Thanks smiley - smileycarol,

smiley - rofl no hangover for once smiley - laugh

Time for a change I think!

Post 4902


Good luck smiley - dragon

If they start do what I did yesterday hun smiley - rofl

Hmmm in retrospect that might not be a good idea to sack the teacher and headmistress smiley - rofl

Morning everyone else smiley - hug

smiley - hangover from hell again today!!!

Time for a change I think!

Post 4903


Morning smiley - holly

Who did you fire.....?

smiley - smiley

Time for a change I think!

Post 4904


smiley - lurk

Anyone mind if i have a nap in here? smiley - erm

smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

smiley - monster x

Time for a change I think!

Post 4905


Oi Cheeky wake up smiley - snowballsmiley - llabwons

smiley - dragon

Time for a change I think!

Post 4906


smiley - headhurts What the? Where'd that smiley - snowball come from?

I sense a smiley - dragon.........smiley - winkeye

How's you Soupy?

smiley - sleepysmiley - monster

Time for a change I think!

Post 4907


I am fine bored out my head at work smiley - laugh hence the light entertainment smiley - snowball

You also get this one which looks a bit freudian smiley - xmastree

smiley - dragon

Time for a change I think!

Post 4908


Me too.... i can't be bothered 2day - to smiley - sleepy

I would have been happy just now to have managed to get 20mins to myself to play on here & eat my lunch but boss doesn't seem to answer the phone even if i'm eating....smiley - grr really annoys me!!

That tree's fallen over smiley - rofl


Time for a change I think!

Post 4909


was it ok at the school soupy? smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

Time for a change I think!

Post 4910


Morning All smiley - boing

Scoobs not all right at school - we have been recommended to take him to a child psychologist. We will have to go private which is about 350 euro (no euro sign on this thing).

Although I dont think he is more mad than anyone else in my house smiley - laugh

OH went surfing down the stairs last night on a board smiley - erm Son is standing at the top going erm are you all right - its not sensible to be skateboarding down the stairs dad smiley - laugh

Time for a change I think!

Post 4911


A member of my team was advised to do the same because the lad was very single minded. He's ok really but behaves "differently" sometimes.Forgive me saying but google Amazon or check out Waterstone's - they have some very relevant "self" books. She bought a few and said they helped.
Hope I wasn't being too presumptious there smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

Time for a change I think!

Post 4912


Sorry smiley - dog wasn't ingnoring you.

Thanks for the suggestion - it is a very difficult situation but with mad parents what can you expect smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Time for a change I think!

Post 4913


Good morning all smiley - hug

Its friday and as wet as a wet thing here in Huntingdon!

Can't wait for the day to be over!

Son MK1 is waiting for me to collect him from university cos he fell over the day before yesterday and has fractured a bone in his already damaged knee! 'Mum, can I come home'!!!!???? Bless.

Students! Huh!

smiley - smiley

Time for a change I think!

Post 4914



I bet he will have a load of washing to put in the machine, and then will proceed to eat you out of house and home will hogging the remote!!!

smiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

Time for a change I think!

Post 4915


'fess up Carol - you're actually excited smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

Time for a change I think!

Post 4916


Bless him!!

at 6'6'' he is a full 18'' taller than me but soooo blooming useless!!!

Mind you I have just posted o CB about the advice he has been given by the hospital and sometimes I wonder!!

smiley - erm

Time for a change I think!

Post 4917


I got my truck back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smiley - biggrin

smiley - bluelight

Time for a change I think!

Post 4918


Hi BBT smiley - hug how are you - long time since we have seen you on the board

smiley - dragon Congrats on getting your truck back smiley - bubbly

Time for a change I think!

Post 4919


Thanks. It makes me happy.

Not been on the boards as have no stupid computer, no stupid net access and no stupid time to go anywhere where I can make use of others' technology. I've just let myself into my mums to use her computer and will be running away shortly but thought I'd have a quick lurk and see how everybody's doing.

Debating whether to invest in a pooter for me for C******** but don't want to be thinking about it too much as it involves thinking about C********.

smiley - bluelight

Time for a change I think!

Post 4920


Hi smiley - bluelight

Hows things wwith your OH?

Good news about your truck tho

smiley - hug

smiley - smiley

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