A Conversation for Walls

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A15718133 - Walls

Post 1


Entry: Walls - A15718133
Author: Vip - U188069

I've sort of run out of steam on this one. Anything is up for review, and especially those things marked in bold.

Any help gratefully appreciated. smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

A15718133 - Walls

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Are you sure there isn't an edited version of this ? I seem to recall haveing linked to an entry about walls somewhere, but the search doesn't work, so I can't check.

A15718133 - Walls

Post 3


I picked it from Flea Market, so I wouldn't have thought so.

A google search on 'walls h2g2' doesn't come up with anything (that's what I've been using instead of the h2g2 search facility today).

smiley - fairy

A15718133 - Walls

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

As I said, I'm not sure. And I have no idea how the flea market thingy works. smiley - biggrin

A15718133 - Walls

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

The Flea Market is just a big bin that we throw promising entries into once they've been abandoned by the authors. Anybody can stake their claim to them, make a copy, put the copy through Peer Review and get it to the Front Page.

A15718133 - Walls

Post 6


Hey ho, I guess we just wait to see when the Search facility comes back off. smiley - smiley

It must have been a fairly major break to have broken so much for so long. smiley - sadface

smiley - fairy

A15718133 - Walls

Post 7


...comes back *up*, rather.

A15718133 - Walls

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

Gnomon, what happens to the original entries, where do they stay ? I know I've read this entry, I guess I'd better go and check my entries for a link to it. smiley - run

A15718133 - Walls

Post 9

Gnomon - time to move on

What happens to the original entries? They sit in the Flea Market until someone (usually me or TiT) tells the Eds, at which point, they move them out of the Flea Market. Conversations attached to the Flea Market forum are moved to being attached to the Entry itself.

A15718133 - Walls

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

In other words there could well be an edited entry about walls and the abandoned original still in flea market. But then maybe I linked to an unedited entry smiley - blush and the eds removed the link, because so far, I haven't found it.

A15718133 - Walls

Post 11


The original is here: A10150480

Don't know if that helps.

smiley - fairy

A15718133 - Walls

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

>>In other words there could well be an edited entry about walls and the abandoned original still in flea market

Yes, that's certainly possible.

We'll know once the search is working again.

A15718133 - Walls

Post 13

aka Bel - A87832164

Ok, I've eventually found the entry the entry about walls I linked to:

It must have been while searching for an entry about walls that I came across the flea market entry. I'm really just glad that I didn't link to an unedited entry after all. smiley - puff

A15718133 - Walls

Post 14


Now in the Edited Guide as: A87785022
smiley - applauseWell done Vip, your contribution was invaluable!


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