This is the Message Centre for Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

A (very) Belated Apology

Post 1

Æsahættr: Googling Fool (sorry, sorry, sorry - I'm not changing it now though)

Mr. Shark Sir,

A goodly while ago, I had the pleasure of conversing with yourself on the subjects of Jackie Chan and Godzilla films. At this time I was tentatively writing an article on the films of said big green lizard.

For a number of reasons - mainly work and lack of free time - I have had cause to absent myself from h2g2 for some time. Having recently re-stumbled upon this wonderful place I had cause to re-read our conversations.

I apologise unreservedly for my rudeness.smiley - sorry

If you still want to write the article on the Big G then please feel free to take any bits of mine that you like. I would love to see such an article but, unfortunately, do not have the time to commit myself to such an endeavour.smiley - sadface


Steve C (the guy with the unpronouncable username)smiley - huh

A (very) Belated Apology

Post 2

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Hey! Good to hear from you! smiley - ok

As you may have noticed, I haven't exactly been chomping at the bit regarding the Big G myself - trying to decorate one house while living in another, Christmas and God knows what else has got in the way.

But I *am* going to do it, and soon.smiley - ok I'm gonna have a good look round the guide for all the various bits and pieces on the G-ster, and if I do use bits of others articles, then they will be credited as co-authors.

Watch the Skies...oh, thats the wrong movie....smiley - laugh

smiley - shark

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