This is the Message Centre for Zaphods Girl

the eye ball

Post 1

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Hey I'm crazy smiley - bigeyes How did you put that eyball on your home page.

the eye ball

Post 2


For once i would have to agree with beef boy here. how do you do the eye trick?
smiley - bigeyes

the eye ball

Post 3

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

smiley - sadface Beeegossss if you dont stop following me, I'll tell every one your name and give them a list of all your girl friends your cheating.

the eye ball

Post 4

Zaphods Girl

I usedsimple HTML codes and used a link code. I have the eye ball
image stored on geocities.

the eye ball

Post 5

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Geocites ?????? smiley - bigeyes

the eye ball

Post 6


Gooouulashhhh stop talking such B>@@S:}T. Who are you to know.
there is no list because i am waiting for the right girl for me.
so don't go around trying to blackmail me.

the eye ball

Post 7

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Beeegossss is about to reply I can tell, I can just tell OK

the eye ball

Post 8

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

I could always mention a girl from Mellor.

the eye ball

Post 9

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

smiley - bigeyes sorry, to get back to the point what are Geocities?

The eye ball

Post 10


How did you get it on to your user page.I tried to get a picture on to my page and it wouldn't, and to Gooouulashhhh, as I recall it is you who lives in mellor, so i am sure that you know whoever this girl is and not me.

The eye ball

Post 11

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

I would,I told Ellen all about it and she is very upset.

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